Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bentley's Peanut Butter Balls

Women all over the world watched as Bachelorette Ashley Hebert's heart was broken over contestant Bentley Williams.

Ashley was warned by former Bachelor contestant Michelle "Money" that Bentley was doing it for the fame, but the Bachelorette fell flat on her face for this reality television villain.

For those of you who don't watch the show, here is what went down...

Bentley fed Ashley all the right lines,  getting her to fall in love with him. Meanwhile, he was talking behind her back (to the cameras)...My personal favorite quote, "I would literally rather be swimming in pee then planning a wedding with her." What a class act!

One day he decides to leave the show because of his "daughter," leaving their relationship open ended with a (dot dot dot.)

Fast forward to Bentley in Hong Kong giving Ashley the closure she finally needs. The whole meeting is UBER awkward, and as a viewer I just wanted it to end. She sent him off with a BIG f@*ck you.

Since the events of last night's episode, I think it's only right for Ashley to serve Bentley's "you know whats" on a silver platter.

I present to you....

Bentley's Peanut Butter Balls

You will need:
2 cups of peanut butter
4 oz of butter (about 1/2 a cup)
4 cups confectioners sugar sifted
2 cups rice cereal
1 1/2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

In a medium sized pot melt butter and peanut butter together.
In a large mixing bowl combined the sugar and rice cereal, and pour hot peanut butter mixture over the top.  Don't be afraid to get a little messy here and mix with your hands! Once the mixture is together, form into 1/2 inch balls. Let the balls hang in the fridge for about an hour.

Melt the chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. Remove the peanut butter balls from the refrigerator and roll each in the chocolate. Remove and place on wax paper. Chill before serving.

If you want to liven them up a bit, add some sprinkles, or some crumbled health bar. OHSOGOOD.

Ashley, you make these honey, and you are the clear winner.

Photos courtesy of 

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